My first book is entitled, “5-7-5 Elaborated: Haiku with Photos.” I have always loved haiku and, though I have written poems for many years, haiku remains my favorite. I like structure, and nothing beats the demand that your lines have 5, 7, and 5 syllables. I’ve read some things saying you don’t need to remain with that very strict structure, but I do! I will sometimes look at a scene and realize I already know the haiku that will go with that photo! This book contains some of my favorite photos with haiku written just for them.
When I was considering the name of the book, I put photography and haiku together to “Phaiku.” However, imagine this, someone else had already thought of that before me, so I had to keep searching. “5-7-5 Elaborated” isn’t nearly as intuitive as I would like, but I hope the subtitle, “Haiku with Photos” clears it all up!
I had it almost ready to publish in February, but then I had to focus on the Livestock Marketing book for 2.5 months! Then, I had to get back on course with the story of Mom and Dad’s life before I could even think about my book! But, things are really working out good for Mom and Dad’s book, so I took a little time “off” from it and finished mine.
I got the first “draft” printed, and it really looked good. Some of the photos printed a little dark, and I wanted to tweak a couple of things on the cover, so I made those edits and ordered another sample book. Watch the exciting unboxing below!
This book is ready to go! In 67 pages I’ve included 64 photos and 33 poems in an 8.5 by 8.5 inch hardcover book!
I’m so excited! If you’d like to order a book, visit this blog post for information.