Helena to Billings—Starting Home
We started home after finishing the school for the day in Helena. These storms were all around, but didn’t interfere with our travel.
We started home after finishing the school for the day in Helena. These storms were all around, but didn’t interfere with our travel.
I was able to step away from the school several times through the day to take photos. What a glorious place!
Dawn hadn’t been able to get a “real” haircut for a long time due to the shut-down. She asked if I could trim her bangs.
We were lucky enough to get to stay at the Smith House on the J Bar L Ranch in the Centennial Valley during Whit and
We had a great drive from Rawlins, WY to Centennial Valley, MT with some marvelous scenery!
We drove down to Goleta, CA, which is right next to Santa Barbara. I try and take some local livestock pictures for our powerpoint. These
Here’s the two groups from our schools in Swift Current. Click here for more photos.
Richard and I hotelled up in Moose Jaw to rest up a bit from our school in Yorkton. We walked down by the river and