The Trip Home

I arrived at Baltimore/Washington Airport early for my return flight, and it was a good thing! I got my ticket, checked my bags, and headed to security. I saw the line headed down a long hallway, so I walked down that hall. When it turned 90 degrees, I made the turn and saw the line extending as far as that hallway went! Then, after the next turn I saw a huge hall with people lined up a long way down it. I hurried down to the end of the line and people packed in behind me! I took these photos of the line as we moved forward. Actually, it probably only took about half an hour to move through the line and past security. However, I was really, really glad I had arrived early!

Security was at the end of this line above!

I got a couple of neat shots out the window of my airplane. The first was on the trip from Baltimore to Minneapolis. The second was on the Minneapolis/Kansas City leg.

The original plan had been for Richard to pick me up and then we could see one of Garland’s 9th Grade Football games. However, Garland injured himself and wasn’t able to play that night! So, Jessica and Jennifer picked me up so Richard didn’t have to take off work. We had a great drive back visiting and eating! It was great to get back to Missouri and see my man again.

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