Last night Richard and I watched a Nova show about a family of “hand walkers,” 5 siblings who couldn’t walk upright, so ambulated on their hands and feet. The premise of the show was that this proved evolution because this family was “de-evolving” back to apes who walk in a similar fashion.
When I went to college I was taught that scientific process involved making a hypothesis and then TESTING to see whether the hypothesis was true, not making a hypothesis and then PROVING the hypothesis was true. The latter is what the evolutionists have been doing ever since Darwin explained MICRO evolution (ex. a bird’s beak changes to better eat the seeds of it’s changing world, NOT that a bird becomes a giraffe).
In the first few minutes of the show, I figured out that these kids were just mentally and physically retarded including their balance (they showed another sibling walking unsteadily). They could crawl and then walk on their hands and feet, but their balance wouldn’t allow them to go ahead and walk upright. It was interesting that the scientist said a baby moving on their hands and feet (as opposed to hands and knees) was very rare. All babies I’ve been around do it as a part of the process of learning to walk. I bet this guy either has no kids or, in true liberal fashion, farmed his kids out to day-care and wasn’t around them enough at that point in their growth to realize what they were doing. The “hand walkers” stalled out at the hands and feet step because their balance wasn’t good enough to keep them upright, and it was just easier for them to walk on their hands and feet.
During this show I was reminded of another show about a woman born with no arms who does most everything I can do with my hands with her feet. Using the form of “proof” in this show, this means people evolved from some form of life that didn’t have any arms since she is so well able to use her feet in this manner.
For a wide variety of reasons including poverty, lack of knowledge, worry about being stigmatized, etc., the parents in this show didn’t find help for their kids. I’m certain that just a little physical therapy in their childhood would have helped those kids walk. It wouldn’t have helped their underlying physical and mental disabilities, but at least they would have been able to walk upright.
However, that wouldn’t have filled up an hour time-slot, and it wouldn’t have PROVEN that we evolved from apes and some of us are now evolving backward to apes. And, I think the main reason for all this evolutionary push is to PROVE that there is no God and no creation. The scientists are casting about for any way they can prove this, and hand walking looks like the ticket.
Click here for the official Nova web page, and here and here for more info about the show.